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Carbon Fiber single-hoop paramotor frame FC 1 DTpropeller’s product line announces a new arrival: Carbon Fiber single-hoop paramotor frame FC 1. The FC 1 is a result of the evolution of many years of experience in developing carbon fiber products for the paramotor industry. Successful engineering and technological solutions in manufacturing carbon fiber propellers found...

OFFER OF THE MONTH Buy 2 carbon fixed-pitch props and get propeller cover for free. Propeller are suitable for paramotor engines from 10 hp till 40 hp. Offer end 30 of June 2021

CARBON GROUND ADJUSTABLE PITCH PROPELLER OPERATION AND ASSEMBLING MANUAL Dear costumer! “DTpropeller” would like to thank you for choosing our product and guarantees its high quality and perfect operation provided the rules of operation and assembling to be complied TABLE OF CONTENT 1. BASIC GUIDELINES 2. PACKAGE CONTENTS 3. ASSEMBLING AND SETTING UP THE PROPELLER...

Winglets (Eng. winglet «a small wing») represent a special aerodynamic form of the wingtip which is designed to reduce inductive resistance produced by the vortex coming from the wing tip. In order to understand the operation principle of winglets, it is necessary to look at the aerodynamics theory. So far as it is known, the...

Pilots from different countries of the world choose products by DTpropeller for their high quality and performance. Our propellers are the result of the longstanding work in the production process improvement, development and testing of new blade profiles and designs. Now DTpropeller produces a wide variety of propellers for ultralight aviation (paramotors, powered parachutes, weight-shift...



+ 48 692 623 157(Russian, Polish)
+ 39 346 6307229 (English, French, Italian)
E-mail: office@dtpropeller.com


NIP 9662170390

REGON 523656253

KRS 0001001908

Adress: ul. Spożywcza 19, 16-010 Wasilków, Poland

Manufacturing company of Poland