Ce film antigravillon protège les pales de l’hélice de petits dommages causés par des grains de sable, de petites cailloux, de l’herbe etc. Ce film polyuréthane est de grande résistance et prolonge la longévité de votre hélice
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Ce film antigravillon protège les pales de l’hélice de petits dommages causés par des grains de sable, de petites cailloux, de l’herbe etc. Ce film polyuréthane est de grande résistance et prolonge la longévité de votre hélice
Buy 1 wooden propeller and get small bag for fixing bolts for free Buy 2 wooden props and get propeller cover for free
YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH THE PROP PERFORMANCE*. DTpropeller has conceived and manufactured 2-blade fixed pitch full carbon propeller of 130 cm for THOR 250. This propeller has successfully passed the pre-series test by producer factory and their results were confirmed during inflight testing by independent competitive pylon racing pilots. Results:...
5-blade ground adjustable pitch carbon propellers are suitable for engines from 30 hp till 70 hp. Available diameters are 135, 145, 155 and 165 cm. The weight of the propeller depends on the quantity and on the diameter of blades. The weight of one blade is 300-400 gr (depending on its diameter). The weight of...
4-blade ground adjustable pitch carbon propellers are suitable for engines from 30 hp till 70 hp. Available diameters are 135, 145, 155 and 165 cm. The weight of the propeller depends on the quantity and on the diameter of blades. The weight of one blade is 300-400 gr (depending on its diameter). The weight of...